The Trinket Nest
Join your hosts Raven and Clover on The Trinket Nest, where they talk about collections, obsessions, and the silly stuff that makes us happy!
(This show is not for kids! Proceed with caution!)
The Trinket Nest
Episode 2 - Playbills
This episode we talk about those free little books you get when you see a musical!
Why are Playbills free? What is a Stagebill? What do pop star Gwen Stefani and the 1960's musical "Fiddler on the Roof" have in common? And why is P.T. Barnum the worst??
*All music clips included are for educational purposes!*
Some sources and links for this episode include:
The Battle of the Bills: Playbill vs. Stagebill by Waiting in the Wings on Youtube
Collecting Playbills | Theatre Library Association (tla-online.org)
The Evolution of the Playbill Design From 1885–2018 | Playbill
Watch Broadway Musicals: A Jewish Legacy | Great Performances Season 40 | PBS SoCal
How Broadway Became Broadway - The New York Times (nytimes.com)
Jaap Harskamp, Author at New York Almanack
Musical of the Month: The Black Crook | The New York Public Library (nypl.org)
The Museum of Broadway — An Immersive Museum.
Timeline | Broadway: The American Musical | PBS
Operation Olive Branch
Intro/Outro music by: Josie Brechner
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